Need help with membership purchase at a tourney

At a tourney I directed yesterday, I must have put in some wrong credit card number accidently and wrong amount…I put in 17 in the amount field and when pressing save, the amount changed to $1,700 !!. Anyway, I got an email saying the transaction was denied. I am now going into the batch to edit it. But the things I typed in are in some light font that I can’t edit for some reason. How to proceed with fixing all this?


Brian from Minnesota

Sounds like you left out a decimal point.

A batch can currently only be submitted once, you will probably have to re-enter those memberships.

The membership module in TD/A could stand a rewrite, it was one of the first modules that was written.

Also, when I redo the webstore membership form to make it look like the new website, I’m hoping to be able to make it possible for TDs and affiliates to use that form to submit memberships. (It won’t handle payments by check or with more than one credit card, though, and it probably won’t handle batch uploads, either.)

So, because I might have missed typing the address for the credit card…I cannot just go back and edit the batch. I have to reenter every single membership, address, birthdate etc…all over again!!
And besides that, when I went to create a new batch to fix the old one…the people I am trying to buy memberships for that didnt go through have already been given ID numbers!!..So, now do I call these renewals…or state that these are unique people?

It is a mess…

Brian Ribnick
Minnesota Director

Once an ID has been assigned, you can treat it as a ‘renewal’.

Any time a batch has been partially processed, there is no way to resubmit the rest of the batch. Correcting that will require quite a few changes to the way batches work, and at this time there are a number of higher priority tasks.