Next Rerate Run

Anyone know when the next rerate run will occur?



Hopefully this weekend, but certainly before finalizing the ratings for the April Supplement, which will be created on March 10th.

Because of the backlog, there won’t be very many February events in the April supplement, mostly ones submitted online. There will be no March events in the April supplement in accordance with past policy.


I just checked the MSA site and I guess it is safe to assume that the rerate run did not occur this weekend?


Yeah, I had a case of stomach flu over the weekend and didn’t get a whole lot done. I don’t think I’ll get a rerate done tonight, I may not get one done until later this week, as I’m hoping to wrap up on the things I need to get done in Crossville and head home.

The 10th is edging near? Are we going to make it on the rerate?


Well I just checked the Members Only area and the supplement is not posted there yet but neither has the rerate been run.


The supplement files are not released until the supplement is sent to the printer, just in case we have to change anything. I wouldn’t expect to see the files available for downloading until after the 21st.

I think the supplement cutoff will probably take place on Sunday. It HAS to be done before 8AM Monday morning, because we need to get the supplement to the printer and we need to get the April Chess Life labels to the printer on Monday or the magazine could miss the schedule.

We’re also trying to clean up as many things as possible. Nancy tells me they’re making headway on events that ended in February or before then, she and I are working on identifying and correcting a number of double-rated events (such as the Maryland Junior Championships), and I’m still trying to clean up as many of the anomalous ratings corrections and duplicate ID issues as possible before doing a bulk rerate.


I ran a scholastic event in February. Due to membership issues with a couple of players, I have been unable to submit a rating report. I identified several duplicate IDs of players in the tournament. Should I send these duplicate IDs to you or the membership department so they can be taken care of before the next re-rate?


Upload the event, then submit membership exception requests for the ones with duplicate IDs.

I’m working on a program that will help the office quickly correct duplicate IDs once we are alerted to them.

But first we need to find them, and that’s often something that the TD will spo t long before the office can.

I did a small sample a few months ago and based on that we could have
as many as 10,000 duplicate IDs in the roughly 600,000 IDs in our database.

Mike Nolan

Hi Mike:

I presume your previous post to include some of the “problem” tournaments that were backed up in the queue. In my team’s case - the Hadley Scholastic (November) in Glen Ellyn, IL - 2 sections rated, 2 still “on hold” - where I understand the affiliate forgot to renew - he’s told us USCF has acknowledged receipt of his renewal. Hopefully there weren’t other problems. Thanks to you and your staff for your efforts.

Todd Barre

Who should we contact about the duplicate IDs? I know of two off the top of my head here in Oklahoma.

Alex Relyea

Unless they’ve played in one of your events, we don’t have a means to report them yet. If they have played, you can submit a membership exception request form.

I haven’t figured out the best approach to reporting duplicate ID’s outside of an event yet. Not all of the TD-reported duplicates turn out to be true duplicates, so we have to check them out as best we can.

Can you explain the mechanism for doing that? They both played in my events last month, and seem likely to do so again.

Alex Relyea

Getting back to the original topic of this thread:

Mike, when do you plan to run the next rerate? And will you be establishing a regular schedule for this? (Seems to me I read that you planned to do this weekly, but I haven’t seen one for a while.)


The last rerate took 35 hours, I’m reworking the program to cut that down to something more reasonable, like 5-8 hours. That’s manageable on a weekly basis, 35 hours is not.

There will definitely be a re-rate before the June supplement run in early May, hopefully I’ll be able to run another one with a speeded-up program before then.

Just a suggestion: post the rerate schedule on the MSA Main Page, under Database Update Schedule.

When we get to the point where rerates are being run on a scheduled basis, we will certainly do that. Right now there is no fixed schedule.

The last rerate was on March 30th. Since then I know Walter Brown has made corrections to over 40 sections and deleted around 5 sections.

There may be a rerate this coming week, there will definitely be one before we create the June supplement, probably somewhere around May 5th. (I need to work with the editorial department on the scheduling for that so that the June supplement is mailed on time.)