Now THIS is how it's done!

I’ve spent a lot of time harping that chess could be televisable (maybe on ESPN2) with the right editing and production values, and that the Chess Scoop, while a fun experiment, wasn’t quite there.

Well, the recaps of the Women’s Chess Championships come closer than anything I’ve seen to capturing what TV chess coverage could and should look like. Great graphics, great sets, great lighting, good sound, and commentators Jennifer Shahade and Macauley Peterson look sharp and professional. The use of graphic boards isn’t what I’d hope to see on a television broadcast, but for Internet video – intended to be viewed on a small screen – it’s just right. The segments are watchable, not just for die-hard chess geeks but for anyone interested in the event.

The next experiment I’d like to see is a poker-style editing together of a pro game, featuring commentary, analysis and highlights of the actual game action. If it’s done to the standards of the Women’s Chess Championships coverage, it can be spectacular.

Somebody posted on rgc or chess-l many years ago that players should be wired up with physiological monitors (heart rate, blood pressure, etc) and the data be feed live for commentary purposes.

I absolutely agree. Very professional commentary. At one time Don Shultz was working on a T.V. series. I do not know if he still is or not. There would be the place to approach, a Pepsi, or Coke for sponsorship. Just a thought.

What I would like to find is a copy of the Koltanowski PBS series from many many years ago.

Larry S. Cohen

Perhaps you could check with the Chess Hall of Fame in Miami. If anyone had copies they should. Just a thought.

Bad link.