(Note: most commentators on how to make Chess more interesting usually end up using words like “bikini” and “knife throwing”, and certainly more sex and violence would help, but it might also detract from the quality of the Chess. I’m actually going to make a Chess related suggestion.)
I tried watching some Olympiad coverage today, and, just as expected, it was more exciting than watching paint dry, but I’m not sure the difference was statistically significant.
The problem is that by the time one of those people resigns, I still rarely know who’s winning. Meanwhile, even the commentators just aren’t all that good at figuring things out. The Turkish commentator was basically saying, “Uhhh yeah he could push the pawn and maybe then there’d be something that could happen with the white queen, but black could just exchange and…yeah…I don’t know. It looks good for white but black still has good chances.”
Here’s what I would like to see. First, go to a good online live Chess site like chess.com and see how they do live chess challenges. USCF take note. That’s how they ought to be done. Now, add in the capability to start a game from some position other than the normal start position. Finally, follow the matches on the top board of the tournament, but let anyone issue a Chess challenge from the current point in the game. We’ll play out the current position, but in a blitz, or maybe just quick, time control.
It would give people a chance to really see a little bit more about the current position, and would give people something to do while waiting for the next move. By the time the blitz game is done, maybe they would have moved again. Of course, the real game won’t develop the same way the blitz game will, but that’s the point. They’re better than you. You can make your moves, and then go back and either see right away why that wasn’t so good, as you got smashed by your opponent, or you can compare what the master played, and see why that developed a lot better.
Just a suggestion.
And if that doesn’t work, there’s always the bikinis.