Online submission of tournament with JTP players

I will be running an small swiss tourney (possibly 20 players max) in my daughter’s school. The tourney will be retricted only to the school’s students. Some are already USCF member and I might be able to get some to sign-up for membership, but I’m sure not all of them.

Question 1: Can I submit the result online or do I have to submit on paper or disk?

Question 2: Since I have not done this before, how to register JTP player? I do not have any form for JTP registration.

Question 3: Can I use online registration to register JTP Player?


Yes, you can register JTP players using the online system and you can submit JTP events online as well.

The JTP category is at the bottom of the list of dues choices. If you’re creating a batch to upload, the code for JTP is ‘Q0’.

However, keep in mind the eligibility rules for JTP (membership-exempt) events:

Any affiliate may run primary-only JTP events, no players can be higher than grade 3.

A scholastic affiliate for a school may run an in-school JTP event. All players must be from that school and may be in grades Pre-K through 12. However, the rating report MUST be submitted through a scholastic affiliate, ie one that has a USCF ID beginning with the letter H.

When editing the rating report, you can select Primary or JTP instead of the default event type (Non-Scholastic). The JTP option will only be offered if the submitting affiliate is a scholastic affiliate.

If you have the green pre-numbered JTP forms, you can still use them, but that will actually slow things down and take a bit more work on your part because instead of using the online membership module to get a new ID for a JTP player you will have to fill out a membership exception request form which will have to be processed by the office in order for them to assign the pre-numbered ID.

Thanks Nolan for the Reply.

I will be running the event with my Chess Club’s Affiliate which is a Regular Affiliate (ID starts with A–). the school only have grades 2 and 3, so I guess it will be okay.

Thanks again,

Do know a coach, he has around 40 students in K-5. Have talked to him, I’m willing to be the director of the event. Since its’ close to the end of the school year, it could be some time in the Summer or the next school year. If I use my affiliate, the JTP can only be K-3. The coach and myself could talk to the school to get a school affiliate.

What does a JTP membership give the player? As the membership is free, very sure the package deal is very simple. Im not sure if the JTP even gets a membership card. If I send in a JTP online, what information is asked for the membership to clear?

JTPs are not repeat NOT USCF members, they do not get a card, they do not pay dues, they do not get ANY membership benefits.

You still have to give us full information including address and birthdate for players that are being registered as JTPs.

They do get an ID and can play in events that qualify under USCF rules without becoming USCF members.

Any affiliate can run a primary-only JTP event, but all participants must be in grades 3 or lower.

A school can run an in-house JTP event for that school’s students and include players above 3rd grade but it must be submitted through the school’s scholastic affiliate and all players must be students at that school. You CANNOT use an affiliate for such an event unless it begins with the letter ‘H’ and is the scholastic affiliate for that school.

A school could ask you to direct such an event, but it would still have to be submitted through THEIR scholastic affiliate. (You can be authorized to submit events for affiliates other than your own.)

Personally, I think the whole JTP concept needs to be overhauled and maybe the entire scholastic program, but I don’t claim to know what’s a better system.

I suspect this will be something that is actively discussed at SuperNationals III.