Does the USCF have listed anywhere overall rankings of USCF rated players similar to how FIDE does it?
Something like - overall ranking, rankings within females, rankings for junior players?
Does the USCF have listed anywhere overall rankings of USCF rated players similar to how FIDE does it?
Something like - overall ranking, rankings within females, rankings for junior players?
Nope, these are Top 100 lists. These don’t take into account all players whose membership is valid and are not foreign players.
So if Johnny Kiddo’s parents want to know where their son who is rated 1123 ranks among youths or among everyone, we don’t know. Yeah I know, 1123 so what? Well it means something and can be used as a a motivator alongside rating.
This has to be simple enough, with some parameters for rules, to be automated and the warm fuzzy factor is huge among players.
I’ve had over a dozen requests for this since the new year, the most recent one yesterday from a father looking for it for his son.
Perhaps it’s ADM time for this.
. . . they need to work on their status-consciousness.
Seriously, we’ve got enough stage parents in this game without actively enabling them.