My computer crashed and will be in the repair for a few weeks… Anyone have a pdf or exel of some old fashioned pairing cards?
I have round postings and wall charts from the USCF site but could not find pairing cards.
My computer crashed and will be in the repair for a few weeks… Anyone have a pdf or exel of some old fashioned pairing cards?
I have round postings and wall charts from the USCF site but could not find pairing cards.
See – jh]]
Thanks!!! (o:
I’ve placed a couple of versions in They print 4 to a page (on card stock if you want to be fancy). I should make versions that are 6 to a page I suppose.
When Bill Goichberg used pairing cards, the columns on his cards were in an unusual order: color, score, cumulative, opponent. (Usually it’s color, opponent, score, cumulative).
I never figured out why he did this, until one day I used cards in the more usual order. In round 4, I accidentally paired two players who had already played each other. Then I realized: In the Goichberg order, the opponent numbers are directly under the player’s own number (in the upper right corner of the card). That makes a visual check easier and less error-prone. That’s even more true if you overlap the cards when checking, so that only the opponent column is showing on the second card.
Bill Smythe