Yeh, that’s one reason I started it. It’s WAY more interesting than finances, or the behavior of EB members.
Actually, I think the rule IS rather clear:
29D. The odd player.
29D1b. …switches to correct colors should stay within the appropriate limits (29E5). …
29E5 consists of 29E5a, the 80-point rule, and 29E5b, the 200-point rule.
In other words, the rules for cross-score-group transpositions are the same as for “ordinary” transpositions – up to 80 points to alternate, up to 200 points to equalize.
This argument seems weak, for two reasons. First, an 80-point difference is statistically unlikely to make a difference as to which player wins. Second, the reason for pairing lowest vs highest isn’t really to reduce the number of perfect scores. It’s to make the lowest player in the group likely to lose (since he is in the bottom half) and the highest in the group likely to win (since he is at the top). Reduction of perfect scores is just a bonus for those of us who run plus-score events. 
I’m sure Tim will say that such decisions are up to the TD, and that the rules should not force that much rigidity down the throats of TDs. And I agree.
I’m interested, though – what would WinTD or SwisSys do? Anybody care to try it?
That’s a good point. We have, in effect, a compound (three-way) transposition.
Player G, for example, ends up with an opponent 125 points higher-rated than in the “raw” pairings. (Other differences do not exceed 75 points in this example.) But a 125-point switch on ONE side of a transposition does not invalidate it. In the case of a simple (two-way) transposition:
[code]raw pairings:
A vs C
B vs D
final pairings:
A vs D
B vs C[/code]
– the size of the transposition is defined as the SMALLER of C-D or A-B.
Bill Smythe