Provisional ratings scholastic tournament

I am taking 6 students to San Diego Scholastic National Tournament. Four of the students have provisional ratings. All are under 1000. Can they all play in the under 1000 section together as a team? If they place will they be allowed to accept the title?

As long as they have published provisional ratings that are official as of the rating supplement used the answers are yes and yes.

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I believe they all need to be in the same school to be on the same team as well.

When the OP said “four of the students have provisional ratings, all are under 1000”, did he mean “all six have ratings under 1000, but four of them are provisional”, or did he mean “four have provisional ratings under 1000”?

If the remaining two do not have ratings at all, those two will likely not be allowed in the same section with the other four.

Bill Smythe

For definitive answers, the OP has already been advised to contact the USCF office. Complete and correct answers can often hinge on unstated facts or nuances.

Per the announcement:

Questions: Contact Cody Stewart 931-787-3916 or

One can also read the Scholastic Regulations. Rule 13 answers the OP’s question.

Yes of course - I assumed that. You are not allowed to even register kids with different schools into the same time. Well, unless you lie about the school that is. And such does indeed occur - rarely.