Questions/musings on electronic scoresheets

Apologies in advance if I chose the wrong forum or if these had been previously discussed (I haven’t seen them):

(1) Would a “better” electronic scoresheet have a blank chess board instead showing where the pieces are? The moves on the scoresheet may look like origin_square - destination_square (since it must allow illegal moves for score keeping) (or maybe more only if user specifies, e.g. piece being moved). It seems to me this would allow many of the advantages (can still click or drag between squares, immediate download, etc) without allowing a portable chess set at the hands of a player. The download software could even convert to more standard notation.

(2) For non-consecutive 3-time occurrence of position, I have found it necessary to stare at my paper scoresheet to remind me if the pieces were really where I think they were several moves ago. If the diagram shows where the pieces were, this would be a great (arguably unfair) advantage - it may also encourage “playing” with the electronic scoresheet which probably should be discouraged (again, if the pieces were shown). (How is this presently handled?)

(3) When illegal moves are allowed (as they should be for scorekeeping), how does it distinguish between O-O and the “king” move e1-g1?
