Quick Chess Rules Question

In quick chess, scorekeeping is not required. If you have more than five minutes remaining, do you need a scoresheet to claim a draw by “triple occurrence of position” and “the 50-move rule”?

Yes; how else could the claim be proven?

In any situation where scorekeeping is not required (*), you can also use the personal observation of the TD. If you are in a situation where triple occurrence or 50-move rule is a likelihood, you can request the TD to observe. The TD is not obligated to observe, but it may be worth a try.

(*) Scorekeeping is not required:

  • if you are under 5 minutes in sudden death (unless there is an increment of 30 seconds or more)
  • in quick chess
  • in blitz.

There is also the 5-fold occurrence rule and the 75-move rule, which are similar to triple occurrence and 50 moves, except that with a 5-fold occurrence or 75 moves, the TD may declare a draw without either player claiming it.

Bill Smythe

I think this is what the rule should be but I’m not sure it’s currently the case given what’s in the rulebook.


14C8. Sudden death time pressure. In sudden death, a player with less [sic] than five minutes remaining may be awarded a draw by triple occurrence of position based on the observation of a director, deputy, or impartial witness(es). A player may stop both clocks to see a director in order to demonstrate the ability to force a triple occurrence of position.


14F4. Director may count moves in sudden death. In sudden death, a player with fewer than five minutes remaining and a simplified position in which no pawn moves or captures seem likely may stop both clocks, declare to a director an intention to invoke the 50-move rule when possible, and ask for assistance in counting moves. A director who agrees this is appropriate may count moves or use a deputy or a clock with a move counter to do so.

Would still like to get clarification on this, thanks.

Why would you care if you don’t rate US chess quick rated events :confused: Hence, why I think most people think you aren’t serious about the topic.

Not being required to keep score is not the same as being precluded from keeping score. If someone playing QC (or even blitz) sees an advantage to keeping score, they can grab a scoresheet and start up where they are so they can demonstrate the claim.