Quick Rated Event - Time Control

Can any time control faster than G/30 be a quick rated event?

For instance 4/2D

Is there a limit to how fast?

Can 1/2D be USCF quick rated?

Thank you

As I read the current time control standards, passed by the Delegates last August, the delay/increment time is irrelevant unless it is more than 15 seconds (which then makes an event regular-ratable only.)

See uschess.org/docs/gov/reports … hanges.pdf

The minimum acceptable time control for a quick rated event is Game/5. The maximum acceptable time control for a quick rated (only) event is Game/29. Events between Game/30 and Game/60 are dual ratable. Events slower than Game/60 are regular-ratable only.

A followup question that came up recently: Do events between G/30 and G/60 have to be dual rated, or is that optional? Can they be rated just quick or just regular if the TD chooses to do so?

I believe games submitted with a stated time control between G/30 and G/60 are automatically dual rated. The TD does not get to choose.

No, it is not optional, G/30 to G/60 MUST be dual rated, per the Delegate motion authorizing dual rating (in 2000, as I recall.) If you do not want your event dual rated, run it at a time control slower than G/60, such as G/61.

As initially implemented in 2001, events sent to the office on paper were only dual rated if the organizer paid a double rating fee, but that was NOT what the Delegates mandated. It was something the office did because they had to input those events twice due to limitations in the USCF’s software at the time, so they felt they needed to charge for them twice as well. The new ratings software made that unnecessary, so now we are following the original intent of the Delegate motion (and only charging one rating fee as well.)