rating difference maximum for rated match

I should know this or where to find it, but no, my recollection is that for the games in a match between two players to be rated, the players ratings must be within a certain range.

Or did my mind make this up?

400 rating points. The match regulations can be found here:

new.uschess.org/sites/default/f … ber-2020.p

Hmmm…I just tried clicking on my own link, and it says “Page not found.” That’s interesting because I just did a copy and paste from the US Chess website. Anyway, to find the match regulations go to the US Chess home page and scroll down to the bottom. Under “Ratings” click on “Rating System”, and then scroll down through all the formulas to #7 - Miscellaneous.

Both players must also have established and published ratings in THAT ratings system. (Yes, we do see occasional matches at quick or blitz time controls.)

It looks like the link you posted is incomplete, it ends in .p not in .pdf. If you click on ‘ratings’ on the home page, you’ll get the full link.

It also looks like there have been a few changes made to the website lately, with some new and updated links.