One of the challenges with resorting a crosstable based on tournament results is that you have to renumber the pairing numbers to match the new order, otherwise it in any crosstable with more than a few players it becomes difficult to find an opponent.
Currently that renumbering is done when the crosstable is uploaded to MSA. There is an option to show the crosstable in the order in which it was uploaded, that’s used by at least one of our online partners because they resort the crosstable into tie break order before uploading it. A tournament can be set to not resort the crosstable, but that’s currently a flag that only US Chess staff can modify.
I think Leago is aware of this issue, but I do not know what they’re planning to do about it yet.
How much of a challenge is that? WinTD has an (internal) label number field, which gets reset when anything causes a re-sort of the contents. (Either a new method of sort or a change to scores or whatever that would affect the sort order). The label number field is used to label the individuals, and to generate the x-table result code.
The first below is the standard cross table sort (by score then by pairing number/rating) and the second is the same information sorted by name.
Yes, absolutely never ever should D7 mean anything other than a draw vs the player on the 7 line.;
Adding a crosstable sort option was more work than US Chess wanted to do at the time that MSA was brought online in 2003. Proposals to rewrite MSA were never approved.