Attention TDs of online events!

We’ve had multiple reports of events that were coded as online events but were rated under OTB ratings. This appears to be a problem in either the online editing program or the validation program, possibly both.

We’re working on correcting the problem.

In the mean time, we have found about 18 sections that had the ‘online event’ box checked but were OTB rated, and they have been changed to use the appropriate online ratings system.

We have also found a few events that had ‘online’ in the event name but were OTB rated. We have contacted the TDs for these events to have them check on whether the ratings system needs to be corrected and let us know.

We’re asking all TDs of online events since April to review their events on MSA to make sure the events are rated under the proper online ratings system.

It would be helpful if TDs would include the word ‘online’ in the event name for online events.

We have added a validation check that will raise a warning if there are both OTB-rated and online-rated sections in the same event, as it doesn’t seem likely that an event would have both types.