MSA data issue corrected

There was a problem with the event name field in a recently rated event that was preventing MSA updates from occurring. It looks like this happened on May 21st.

We have seen this a couple of times lately, for some reason the event name gets a really long (over 5000 characters) name value that has a lot of backslashes in it and what appears to be something like a messed up link to the file name on the submitting TD’s PC. We don’t know what would cause this.

The event name has been changed and the TD has been contacted. MSA should be up to date on rated events now.

If any TDs should see this in the validation reports for an event, please contact the ratings department (ratingsmgr at uschess dot org) and let them know the event ID and what event name you want for the event, since that data is corrupted.

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