Ratings Bonus Threshold Changing

The Ratings Committee has recommended that the bonus threshold be lowered from 14 to 12, the first change in the bonus factor since 2017. We are implementing this recommendation on Monday, October 30th, 2023.

This change will be retroactive to events that ended on or after February 1st, 2023, and all affected events will be included in next week’s rerate, though it may take a day or longer for all those updated ratings to be posted to MSA.

Lowering the bonus threshold means that it is easier to earn bonus points, so members may see some increases in their rating for events that ended on or after February 1, 2023.

Is this retroactively going to apply to all of the OTB and online systems?

Yes, OTB and Online ratings systems all use the same bonus factor.

The Bonus threshold has been updated from 12 to 14 for events with event IDs of 202302000000 or greater. The affected events will be included in this week’s rerate pass tomorrow, MSA should be updated by Tuesday evening but it could possibly take until Wednesday.

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Is a corresponding change coming in the Ratings Estimator?

thanks (the rest are the required 20 chars to post :wink:

Yes, an updated ratings estimator for 2023 was posted last month:

It would be nice if the link to the ratings estimator could be put on the US Chess home page under the “Ratings” tab.

It is in the table of contents at the bottom of the home page.

You mean that “Ratings” submenu that requires scrolling down about four full pages? Which is very similar to the Ratings submenu at the top of the main page, except that the latter doesn’t include the Ratings calculator. I think Micah’s point is well-taken.

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Apache web server log records indicate that we get about 1000 hits a week to the rating-estimator page, so it seems people are finding it. (The number of users accessing it is probably 1/2 or less of that number, since it takes at least 2 hits to get an estimated rating.)

Adding it to the ratings pulldown is something the editorial staff would need to do (John or Dan, probably.)

The link to the US Chess title system document is also in the “Ratings” submenu located at the bottom of the US Chess home page but not in the “Ratings” tab at the top of the US Chess home page. It might be good to add the US Chess title system document (along with the ratings estimator) to the “Ratings” tab at the top of the US Chess home page to help more people become aware of the US Chess title system.

(As a side note, the link that says “Past Event Crosstables” at the bottom of the US Chess home page doesn’t work).