Rating Events

I received an email from the USCF stating that an event had been submitted for rating with the USCF. It has been 2 hours and the event has still not been rated. The event ID is 201311161472 can someone tell me if this event will make the cutoff for the December list since it was submitted today.



This event has been rated.

Given the date of the event and the time of submission, I would think this event will be part of the December list. As of right now, the expected December ratings don’t show up in MSA. Those expected ratings are a telltale sign that the cutoff run has happened.

An event can be rated in USCF’s internal records but not yet showing on MSA. It is not unusual during the full rerate before the creation of a rating list for it to take several hours for a newly rated event to show up on MSA, sometimes even longer for recently re-rated events.

Chess is supposed to teach patience, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

The event still wasn’t rated for over two whole hours?! I certainly hope that the responsible party was fired over this fiasco.

Remember when our expectation/hope was 6 months?

Nope, I haven’t been around that long.

My first rated event was in 1998: played on March 14th, USCF received on March 19th, was entered on April 3rd, and rated on May 19th. Took just over 2 months to get rated from playing til rated (66 days), thanks in no small part to the TD/Organizer’s promptness in submitting the results to USCF. Many other events had no such luxury.