Regular rating and Quick rating, Nolan please help

I’m confused. I’ve played in only 3 tournaments. The first one was a regular rated tourney, g/90 in which I played 4 games. No problem there.

My first question is this. The second tourney was a quick rated tourney, g/29, which was rated quick but counted the 4 previous games I played in. For example, I’m still provisional (I undertand that) but under the Quick Rated column, I have a P(7). This tells me that I have played in 7 Quick rated games which I have only played in 3. Is this correct? If so, please explain.

My second question is this. In my third tourney, which was a Regular Rated event, g/90, I played 5 games. In my tournament history, it was also rated Quick. Why? Also, it now shows that I have played 9 regular games, P9, which is correct. But in the Quick rated column, it shows I have played 12 games, P12. The bottom line is that I have played 9 regular and only 3 Quick for a total of 12. It seems as though the Quick rated column is showing my total games AND also rating me based on Regular as well.

Any explanations would be helpfull. Thanks.

I may be wrong on this, but basically when the quick ratings are established, they take your standard and base it on 10, since you only had 4 games for your standard, they took that rating and based it on 4.

The second I’m not really sure. They could have made up your 10 provisional games into your quick, but anything over G/60 shouldn’t be rated as quick. Maybe nolan can give you a more official explination.

Did your tournaments get rated in order? That could explain part of the problem. What were the tournaments?

Alex Relyea

I’m not sure if they got posted in order or not. This is my ID 12936134. I new to this so don’t laugh at my rating. :smiley:

OK. This is what happened. First, thunderchicken was right when he said that your quick rating is based on the slow rating.

If you have an established rating, then your initial quick rating is your regular rating based on ten games. Since you didn’t have ten regular games, your initial quick rating was 993 based on 4.

To answer your second question, for some reason the LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS CLUB CHAM was dual rated. For tournaments with time controls between G/30 and G/60, they can be rated using both systems. That’s what happened here. If the time control was G/90, then this is a mistake, and you need to contact the TD, DAVID V JOHANSSEN, and ask him to fix this problem.

I hope that this helps to explain what happened.

Alex Relyea

P.S. Your rating is nothing to be ashamed of.

Dual rating of events played at G/30 through G/60 is NOT AN OPTION, and never should have been one.

The office ‘interpreted’ the Delegate motion to apply only to events received on diskette unless there was a second ratings fee paid to dual rate ones received on paper, but that was NOT what the Delegates intended, they wanted and continue to want ALL GAMES played at G/30 through G/60 to be dual-rated.

Under the new ratings system, all it takes to dual-rate an event is to change the rating system field to ‘D’, so the double-fee policy is irrelevant.

Another little quirk from dual-rated events under the old ratings system was that the USCF office usually assigned separate event IDs to the regular and quick rated sections. The quick rated section got the next sequential ID.

However, this meant that when we rated the quick section, any unrated players already had a regular rating, the one from the regular-rated portion of that section. This results in players who play in a dual-rated game having 2X as many quick games as regular games after their first event. In other words, for a 4 round event their regular rating would be based on 4 games, their quick rating would be based on 8 games, even though they had only played a total of 4 games.

Thankfully, that quirky practice has ended under the new ratings system.

But, Mike, there is one mistake (apparently) which occurred in this case.

The player (12936134) played in 3 tournaments.

The first tournament was rated normally, as a regular-rated event. He ended up with a regular rating based on 4 games.

The second tournament was rated normally, as a quick-rated event. His regular rating was used to “seed” his quick rating, a fact that this player did not understand. So he ended up with a quick rating based on 7 games rather than 3, but this is not an error.

The third tournament, which the player claims was game/90, was rated as a dual-rated event. Either there was a data entry error by the TD or the office staff (specifying the tournament type as D instead of R), or the player is mistaken about the time control.

Bill Smythe

Okay, I understand now about the first quick rated in the fact that they used my regular rated as a “starting point”. This is in fact something I did not know. However, the third tournament was G/90 and should have not been rated as dual and should have rated at regular.

Do I need the TD to call or send something in to change this?

Thanks in advance.

The USCF only accepts corrections to events from the TD. (TDs will be able to make their own corrections fairly soon.)

However, changing it from dual to regular rated is fairly easy under the new programming.

How do I change my tournament from dual to regular rating? We now have 2 tourneys rated dual when they should have been rated regular.

Until we get the tournament editing form for TDs ready, you can report corrections to Walter Brown,

Walter will need enough information to identify the event and what needs to be changed. That means providing the 12 digit USCF Event ID, the event name, the section number and name, and the changes required (both the current and the revised information).

There has been a notice on the MSA home page about corrections for several weeks, here’s what it says about the information needed:

Note: The USCF only accepts corrections from the Tournament Director for the event, as the TD is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the rating report. Players who want to report corrections should contact the TD or the sponsoring affiliate, not the USCF office.

Within a few weeks, TDs will be able to make corrections to their rated events using a new online editing form. In order to enter those changes quickly (or if sending corrections to the USCF office), here’s a checklist of the information that will be needed:

  • The 12 digit USCF event ID and event name
  • The section number and name
  • The players’ pairing numbers
  • The players’ USCF IDs and names
  • If player IDs need to be changed, list the correct IDs and player names
  • If game results need to be changed, list the results as originally reported and the corrections needed