Reporting Tournaments Online


I’ve been very satisfied with the TD/Affiliate area and have used it for some time now to report tournament results and pay memberships. The new USCF site, especially the TD/Affiliate area, is great!

However, I just have a little question. When reporting a Win, Loss or Draw we use the codes W, L and D respectively. For example, if player 2 wins against player 4, you enter W4 on player 2’s row, and L2 on player 4’s row in the same round column.

What do you do for a Bye? If player 3 has a bye, do you enter B on his row in the given round column, or BYE, or what?


I believe this is covered in the help file on the online crosstable editing form.

H is a half point bye
B is a full point bye
X is a forfeit win
F is a forfeit loss
U is for unpaired in that round (or a zero point bye)

For all of the above, the opponent’s pairing number should be blank or zero.

OK, well I think I typed BYE and this was interpreted as B for bye and YE as the pairing number. I don’t think it affected the results of the tourney or anyone’s ratings, but I just want to make sure.

Take a look:


Might it not be useful to allow an optional pairing number for X and F, so that the public can see who forfeited to whom?

Bill Smythe

I don’t think the ratings code cares what’s after the ‘X’ or ‘F’, once it finds a non-played game it stops evaluating.

However, as I recall either WinTD or SwisSys always drops the opponent on a forfeit when preparing the upload file.