Seeking Players: US Amateur Team 2016

If this is not the place to post this, I apologize.

I’m looking for two players to join two of us on a USATE team. One player rated 1950-2250 who wants to play board 2, the other 1500 - 2250.


Sorry. Are those the existing players or those being sought.

Alex Relyea

I think if those were the existing players he might have been a little more precise about their ratings…

The two we have are 2260 and 1470 for the February supplement.

Note: Team average (4 highest ratings—2016 January Rating list) must be under 2200.

A pair of 2130s would make you eligible for U2000. A pair of 1930s would make you eligible for U1900. A 1930 and a 1530 would make you eligible for U1800.

Thanks, I hadn’t noticed that. In that case 1950 to 2240.

Hey Rich. I got a 1736 who needs a team.