Looking for

Contact info on Joe Bradford and Tom Bartell.

If anyone knows them or has their contact info (email / phone) please send me an email (or give them my email address) of: info@nachess.org

Looking for a replacement player (since Ray Robson will not be playing) for the 7th North American FIDE Invitational IM norm tournament in January. Must be FIDE rated 2350 or higher.

Thanks to the chess community!

Joe Bradford (who, by the way, just officially got his IM title, but who cares, right?) will be playing in Gibraltar at the end of January. I will email him your contact info when I get home today.

Read this post quick, as my last few posts were pulled.

To make it a little easier to find FIDE rated players in various parts of the country, the list of USCF players with FIDE IDS (still part of the ‘old’ site at uschess.org/fide_match.php) has been updated to include the state.

It should be possible to load that data into something like Excel and use it to search just for players in a list of states.

In some cases foreign players will show under the state in which they played in the USA even though they are not USCF members and are not living in the USA, because that’s how the TD sent in the data when they did play in a USA tournament. (Not to pick on Bill, but my favorite example of this is a foreign player whose city/state in USCF records is given as “Goichberg NY”.)