software question 1 (mostly to Mke Nolan)

Mike Nolan

Please either PM or say here what software the forums are run under.

Background. I am running Website for Alabama Chess Federation (or rather OJT on it). They might reactivate the forums if they keep part of it private to ACF members only. Which apparently the software running this site does. I noticed some other “company” using similar software (can’t remember which)

We have SMS forum software but apparently the previous Webmaster (a very knowledgeable fellow) didn’t see a way to make part of the forums private (or maybe I have that wrong or he does).

I can understand why you wouldn’t want to say. But then again you might not care so I thought bringing it up might help others. (The real benefit of forums)

We use phpBB3. There are a number of other open source (ie, free) web forum packages out there, but I don’t know a lot about them. I assume most of them support several types of closed forums.

Let me correct part what I said.

SMS can have closed forums. I think it is a database issue but a technology issue