This is correct. I would change the crosstable in SwissSys (or WinTD) before preparing the DBF files for TD/A. TD/A will return an incompatible result error when it validates those files, and this will remind me that I have to set the different result. (For me, if I don’t do this in the pairing program first, it greatly increases the odds that I will submit the rating report without fixing the special result.) Then, use the special codes as indicated above to enter the individual results, which will clear the error.
We don’t see a lot of split results, and very few split results involve a ratable loss, the last use of an ‘S’ code was in 2011.
Most of the split results we see are win-win or win-draw.
Result Result Code
Win N (as in wiN)
Draw R (as in dRaw
Loss S (as in losS)
Easy to remember mnemonic: Each abbreviation is the second consonant in the word it stands for. Clever.
Bill Smythe
What I see more and more of at tournaments I direct is parents taking their cell phones out at regular tournaments
and snapping pictures of their kids games. As nearly any coach or parent knows, getting reliable notations is
quite often a chore. So, periodic snap shots give the parent/coach something to go over with their kids during
study sessions. The purpose of this is clearly not for in-game analysis, and yes, I do know that such ideas
are heresy and make some TDs go to the moon. But, is there not a place for some of this?? Yes, I know, slippery
slope and all that.
Rob Jones
I have advised the parents of my students not to take pictures of game positions. The reason for that is that the kids get even lazier about writing down their moves or trying to be accurate. Letting the parent do all of the work of recording the kid’s games does the child no favors. The kids have to start developing a proper work ethic as well as attention to detail. Our goal as parents and instructors should be to improve the child’s work habits so that they can be transferred to academics and other sports. Too much reliance on technology leads to laziness of thought and action.
I have advised the parents of my students not to take pictures of game positions. The reason for that is that the kids get even lazier about writing down their moves or trying to be accurate. Letting the parent do all of the work of recording the kid’s games does the child no favors. The kids have to start developing a proper work ethic as well as attention to detail. Our goal as parents and instructors should be to improve the child’s work habits so that they can be transferred to academics and other sports. Too much reliance on technology leads to laziness of thought and action.
Tom, agree with you 100% as a chess teacher. However, a tournament director must also be a business manager.
One can enforce rules without being overly officious. I was a soccer ref, state level, for about 6 years. I heard of
coaches trying to complain about ref calls using video camera. Never allowed. Same for pictures of chess positions.
this is not notation. And, further, notations must come from players. Not coaches, not parents. If cheating is
defined as an unfair advantage, then a parent using such is in fact cheating.
So, I admit, it is a thin line.
rob Jones