Hey all,
I would like to find something simple but I can not seem to find it anywhere. I would like to find the team standings from a recent tournament, the Texas Scholastic Tournament.
You don’t, or at least not on MSA. The rating report submitted to the USCF only has individual games reported and knows absolutely nothing about teams.
If the tournament was run by the Texas state chess association, you might try their web site.
MSA will not necessarily show the standings either. The MSA does not show the tiebreaks which would be used to award places - all you can see is who is in what score group.
Thanks for the clarification, I did notice that the standings different than what was awarded. I assume the awarded standings are the correct standings?
Note the text at the top of the crosstable page in MSA: “Crosstable data is NOT SHOWN in tiebreak order and does not reflect any distribution of trophies or prize monies.”
To expand upon that, the USCF does not know what tiebreaks were used for an event. Moreover, there are some tiebreak methods that cannot be computed from the crosstable as shown by MSA and sometimes the crosstable has items in it (like extra games) that were not used to compute the tiebreaks.
Wow I must be blind-I went to that page a few times today already and even grabbed an email address form the bottom of the page. LoL, now I know why I can’t get my rating up-thanks!