
I have heard that several players from my state have been suspended from the USCF, presumably for rules violations. I can see from looking them up that they are no longer members, but I haven’t been able to find anything else about it. Would the Ethics Committee have filed a report, and would it be online?

I will keep looking, but would appreciate any links that would be provided.

Todd Durham

We do not presently post Ethics committee cases. We are considering adding that to inform members that the Ethics Committee is actually deciding cases, inform of the results for organizers to know for future events, and to inform members that actions have consequences. Of course Ethics cases can be appealed and decisions are not rendered final until the appeal period passes.

There are other groups that advise the EB on actions and those are also being considered - TDCC, affiliates and rules.

We are working with counsel to deal with a couple of stick issues. We have minors involved in some of these situations, and we have to consider privacy concerns of members. In the end, the most important thing that the EB has to consider is to limit the liability of US Chess in any disclosure.

I think we will get there, but we are moving cautiously.

The Ethics Committee does file an annual report, which appears in the Delegates Call each year. The 2019 Call is available online now; the Ethics Committee report appears on page 50. At the bottom of the US Chess home page, click on “Governance” and then “Reports” on the following page. You need to be signed in to the US Chess site to access this page.

– Hal Terrie (2018-19 Ethics Committee Chair)

Thank you gentlemen for your replies. They’ve been most helpful.

It does occur to me that one downside of publishing cases that have been adjudicated would be giving potential cheaters more information on how to cheat more effectively. Obviously this wouldn’t impact the ‘impulse’ cheaters, which seem to be the majority of such cases, but those who organize beforehand could get more information.

I am sure you have considered that, as well, which makes it no less scary! I do not envy the Ethics Committee members their jobs.

Todd Durham

I don’t know that we need to be so specific in our hypothetical publishing as to provide any useful “how to” information, including how they were caught.

I finally realized how the knowledge that some members had been suspended got out. It is listed on the “General” tab for the members in question (who I will not name here). Beside “Expiration Dt.” it lists a date, and beside the date “Suspended Member”, which a quick check shows is not normal. So that much has been explained.

Again, thank you for the replies.

Todd Durham

There are also TD certification suspensions. They are more difficult to find because MSA just shows they are not a certified TD while TD/A shows the expiration date of their TD certification if it has not already lapsed during the suspension.
If you know a zip code in a state then in TD/A you can do a geographical look by that zip code and select all former or inactive TDs for the state and see something like: Local Certification Suspended