It lets me log in, but times out without displaying anything on the page. Trying to submit at tournament… has been doing this for an hour or more now.
I think it’s back up now, they’ve been having major storms in Crossville since yesterday, looks like another one rolled through earlier today.
Site is working now…
That is what happens when the temp is 70 on one side of a front and 30 on the other.
We’ve had 50-60 mph winds and periods of very heavy rain throughout the day.
Sorry, the TD/Affiliate Support Area is not currently available.
Please try again later.
Why is the site down today? There’s only a 10 mph wind, it’s not raining, and the temperature is 42°F.
Also not able to access TD/A today.
I no longer have a role in operations management, I know today’s problem started between 3AM and 4AM, but I don’t have any other specifics.
We are aware of the issue and a team has been working on it all day. I do not know any more than that.
Looks like it came back online some time in the past half hour.

We are aware of the issue and a team has been working on it all day. I do not know any more than that.
Thank you all very much; be assured that the effort to get the system back online is appreciated!

I no longer have a role in operations management, I know today’s problem started between 3AM and 4AM, but I don’t have any other specifics.
I thinking, but hoping that I’m incorrect, that this was a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Has anyone looked into using Shape for preventing such attacks on the infrastructure?
I still don’t know any specifics but I can virtually guarantee that it wasn’t a DDOS attack, the problem was with the database server in TN, which is behind a firewall.
For obvious reasons, I won’t discuss what specific security measures US Chess takes.

I still don’t know any specifics but I can virtually guarantee that it wasn’t a DDOS attack, the problem was with the database server in TN, which is behind a firewall.
For obvious reasons, I won’t discuss what specific security measures US Chess takes.
Thank you; that’s a relief!
Any updates on the expected duration of the most recent website outage today?
“Theory and practice are the same in theory, but not in practice.” – Unknown
Yogi Berra, in all probability.
Bill Smythe
In his signature:“Theory and practice are the same in theory, but not in practice.” – Unknown
Yogi Berra, in all probability.
Bill Smythe
"In theiory, there is no difference between theory and practice … " appeared in print at least as early as 1881.