TD Certification Lapse

Well, yesterday I directed a tournament, three sections, 53 players. By 10:30 PM I had the rating report ready to upload, so I went to the TD/Affiliate page and entered my TD login and password - and received an automated message that my TD certification had lapsed! Of course I immediately e-mailed USCF to request that the certification be renewed but it was Saturday night, so it’s unlikely anything can be done before Monday morning. Meanwhile I am embarrassed because I promised several players that they would see their new ratings by the following day. It’s a point of personal pride with me always to submit the report immediately after the tournament. Now I can only sit here fuming until Monday.

Of course I have a TD card in my wallet that clearly gives the expiration date as Oct. 31, 2009 but after four years, who looks at it? There has to be a better way of getting TDs to renew than just springing a lockout from TD/Affiliate. If it’s too much work to engineer an automatic renewal for those who meet the activity requirement, how about an automatically generated e-mail reminder a month before expiration. Surely that would be easy enough.

– Hal Terrie

They could have a 24/7 express renewal for an extra charge on the rating report.

Every month we generate a list of TDs whose certification is due to lapse in the near future or whose certification recently lapsed. Phil Smith is supposed to review that list and renew those who qualify for automatic renewal. I believe the criteria for that is having averaged at least one tournament per year as chief director during the term of your current certification (4 years for a local TD, 5 years for a senior TD, 6 years for ANTD.)

NTDs do not expire. Club TD certification cannot be automatically renewed but can be renewed for another three years by taking and passing an open book exam. (Many Club TDs have sufficient experience to take the local TD exam, which is encouraged.)

I’ve extended your TD certification until 11/30/2009, you will need to contact Phil Smith to get it extended beyond then.

The smell would be horrendous, otherwise.

Thanks, Mike. The report is in and I’ll see about a full extension.

– Hal Terrie

Refresh my memory.

When was it changed from the rulebook’s “chief or assistant TD” to just “chief TD”?

I could be wrong about the criteria for automatic renewal, maybe Tim Just will see this and answer as to what the TDCC rules currently say.

I’ve always found the wording in the rulebook to be peculiar, since at the time the rulebook was last revised the only information that the USCF collected on TD activity was the section chief and the assistant section chief. (Those are still the only TD fields in the dBase upload file.)

We didn’t start collecting ‘tournament chief TD’ and ‘tournament assistant chief TD’ or ‘other assistant TD’ information until 2005. I suspect that a lot of times that ‘other assistant TD’ information doesn’t get entered by the person submitting the event.

The current TD Certification document can be found in the list of forms on the USCF site at:,com_uscf_dirlist/Itemid,461/

That document still says chief or assistant in the wording regarding renewals.

A new document has been passed along to the office for on-line publication along with an updated list of rules changes.

BTW, in another thread TD Corner got a mention as returning on-line. I handed into the office a TD Corner many months ago. It is still scheduled to be posted on-line, I just don’t know when. Soon I hope.

Well, I have got to get back to National Youth Action organizing stuff.

Tim, should the rules read ‘Chief TD or Assistant Chief TD of a tournament’, that seems to be what is implied?

FWIW, of 8864 events held since 11/1/2008, 1363 had a tournament assistant chief TD listed. Only 206 of those events had any ‘other TDs’ listed.

Of the 18,476 sections in those events, 1408 had a section chief who was not the tournament chief or
tournament assistant chief TD and 3244 had an assistant section chief who was not the tournament chief TD or
assistant tournament chief TD.

BTW, what happened to the various proposals on the Delegates agenda to change the definitions of the categories of tournaments needed to advance to higher TD levels?

From the posted document: “as the chief or assistant TD.”

That document will change soon. The delegates back in Chicago allow for the Board to approve TD Certification changes, DM06-40 (NDM 06-41) . We revised the current document and it will be posted by the office. The new document has the same wording as above regarding TD renewals.

Off to Office Max to buy supplies for the NYA.

Can some knowlegeable person look at my TD experience and confirm that I really will need one more tournament in order to automatically renew my Senior TD status at the end of Feb. 2010?

Here is a link to my directing history:

I have been inactive since moving to west Texas, due primarily to family health issues and new job issues. I do not want to lose my certification, since I still want to direct in the future.

Thanks for any help you can offer,
Brenda Tramel Hardesty
Eldorado, Texas
Senior TD