Mike - I found an old thread where you mentioned " A rather surprising number of TDs, some of them fairly well known, have been holding and sending in events for years despite not having a current TD card, and getting away with it because the USCF office didn’t check the TD’s status…" This seems to still be the case. Do you know if this is something that’s going to be corrected in the near future? I stumbled on a TD that, according to MSA, expired as a TD in 2001 but is credited with directing 12 sections from 4 different tournaments since then. The most current was about a year ago.
Follow-up question… Is it possible to pull up a list of Club TDs by state?
The office has been taking a fairly proactive approach to this under the new ratings programming. Part of the justification for this was that our TD records were in pretty bad shape due to poor record-keeping.
I think what they’ve been doing is extending the TD’s certification for a few months from the date the event was held and then contacting the TD to work on getting any paperwork cleared up, such as taking the local exam.
In many cases the TD had more than sufficient directing experience to qualify for automatic extension of a Local or Senior TD certificate, and they’ve gone ahead and made that extension.
In addition, since the online submission process requires a currently certified TD and affiliate, many of the problems with lapsed TDs have been dealt with in order to get a TD signed up for online submission.
That’s also required a few affiliates to become current, and the number of non-scholastic affiliates is up a bit over last year as a result.
As a result, whereas in 2004 there were over 300 events for which the chief TD was either never a certified TD or a lapsed TD, there have been fewer than 40 such events rated in 2005.
There are around a dozen events that haven’t been rated yet because of TD issues, mostly ones where no chief TD was indicated on the rating report, and another half dozen where there was no valid affiliate on the rating report.
They were also very tolerant of section chief TDs, though as of September 1st the section chief must now be a current certified TD (and a current USCF member).
There is currently no way to bring up a list of current certified TDs by state, though the TD lists that were in the 2004 annual rating list are available online. That’s on the wish list.
However, if you go to the page with the list of TDs http://uschess.org/tds/tdlist.php#IA (I noticed Club TDs are not included) then copy just the TDs and their states and paste them into a spreadsheet, you can then sort the TDs by state and they are seperated into their TD certification groups by blank lines.
The other thing is that you may be more interested in TDs that have been active in your state in the past few months. You can get run the Events Rated query for your state for the past few months, and look at the TDs that worked on them.
I’m not sure what information makes sense or would be useful, but here’s a query showing the TDs in the state of Iowa, their certification level and expiration date, plus the number of times since 1/1/04 that they have been listed as the Chief TD, a section chief, or an assistant TD. (That third category is new and not many TDs have started including lists of all the assistants who worked at that event.)
Is this the kind of information people would find useful?
12406339 ANZIS, HANK L 2008-10-31 2 10 0
11363121 BEYDLER, JOHN CARL C 2005-06-30 8 18 7
12912615 BOHMS, RICHARD W C 2007-06-30 4 6 1
12430438 CAPRON, MARK S 2006-03-31 10 24 0
10307503 DUNN, CARL E S 2007-01-31 0 0 0
12424967 FELGAR, STANLEY L C 2004-10-31 0 0 0
10304687 FERGUSON, WESLEY E L 2007-04-30 14 14 0
12845784 FREEMAN, CATHARINE R C 2005-01-31 0 0 0
12424966 GATTON, ALBERT A L 2008-02-29 1 1 0
10305683 GOTSCHALL, ROGER W S 2006-11-30 72 102 0
12564724 JONES, DEREK G C 2007-05-31 1 2 1
12542549 KARAGIANIS, PETE D C 2005-09-30 0 1 1
12498596 NASH, JOHN J L 2006-09-30 0 0 0
11319912 PAULSEN, DAVID L C 2004-04-30 0 0 0
12536681 PEDRAM, MEHRDAD L 2005-06-30 1 3 1
12880074 PREMO, MICHAEL R C 2007-04-30 1 2 0
11332722 REYNOLDS, ROBERT L L 2008-08-31 0 0 0
12518444 ROISEN, PAUL O L 2007-06-30 0 1 0
12978080 RONNFELDT, DON C 2007-11-30 6 39 2
12568165 SALERNO, JOHN W L 2007-06-30 2 2 0
12735673 VANCE, ROBERT S C 2005-09-30 0 0 0
12829111 VAN DEN BOOM, GARY F C 2006-04-30 0 0 0
10305756 WEISS, MITCHELL J C 2006-04-30 0 0 0
12438575 YOUNG, STEVE L 2007-09-30 14 63 3
12263440 ZISMER, EARL F L 2004-10-31 0 0 0
(25 rows)