Quick TD renewal question

I just recently got back into active directing. I assisted in a large scholastic, and was the sole director for 2 events last year. (My first tournaments in several years.)

I have 2 tournaments that I will be directing at in March. However, my local TD certification will expire at the end of Feb, without my having done 4 tournaments in the expiring 4 year term.

Question: The requirement says 4 tournaments or sections in a 4 year term to waive taking the test again. Since one of the tournaments which I directed last year had an open section and a reserve section (about 50 players total of all sections), can I “cheat” and count that as 2, or do I just need to ask for a test to be sent to me?

The best thing for you to do is email Larry Pond. He is very good at working with people to keep them certified!!

lpond @ uschess.org

The new TD Certification rules do not allow you to count more than one section of a tournament as TD credit. E-mail Larry Pond for more info (lpond@uschess.org).

Tim Just
TDCC Chair