Tournament Director Renewal

I just received my renewal form for my td certification and was looking around the td support area to see if I could do it on-line. I couldn’t find anything - if anyone has a link please let me know. Otherwise, that does seem like something useful that could be added to the system. The system could automatically query your experience to get an initial set of tournaments worked which you could then edit/delete/add and fill in any additional necessary fields.

Also, the form has along the top:
“Satisfactory Performance as Chief or Asst TD for 5 Tournaments (Paragraph 33 pg 250-251)”

but below it has:
“TD Responsibility Only Responsibility as Chief TD qualifies - CTD”

From my reading of the rulebook, assistant TD does look to be OK.

You should try emailing Larry Pond. He will send you the test online, which you can email your answers back. He’s very helpful and pretty quick with grading your test.

I’ll try to email him my list of tournaments directed. From the form provided, it sounded like he could be emailed for those looking to move up a level, but it didn’t mention that possibility for renewals. For a renewal, I don’t need to take a test - just show 5 tournaments directed. (I guess that I’ll someday have to organize a round robin and take another test.)

Because of how we used to collect TD information (and the reporting format still reflects that), our TD activity records are insufficient for the purposes of automatically renewing Local, Senior and ANTD TD certificates, though the new ratings system collects better data and automating renewals is on the task list, just not at a very high priority. (Chief TDs need to get in the habit of listing all the assistants at their events when submitting them online, so that we have more complete experience records.)

E-mail to Larry Pond,, is probably your best bet at the moment. Larry only works 3 days a week, as I recall, so don’t expect instantaneous responses.

Personally, I think there should be a web form on the USCF website for non-TDs to become a club TD, but when I raised this possibility at the workshops last year there was resistance to it from TDCC and others.