Yes. These were the original round two pairings. Glenbrook South got the booby prize with the even smallest even number in the 17-24 score group.
Rd Bd Scr White Scr Black
02 1. 1.0 Chicago (Whitney Young) (4.0,-1) 0.0 Glenview (Glenbrook Sout (3.0,-18)
02 2. 0.0 Bloomington (H.S.) (3.0,-19) 1.0 Chicago (Northside) (3.0,-2)
02 3. 1.0 Wheaton (W.-Warrenville S (3.0,-3) 0.0 Palatine (Fremd) (3.0,-22)
02 4. 0.0 Glen Ellyn (Glenbard Sou (3.0,-21) 1.0 Urbana (University) (4.0,-4)
02 5. 1.0 Evanston (Twp.) (4.0,-5) 0.0 Naperville (Central) (3.0,-20)
02 6. 0.0 Mt. Prospect (Prospect) (3.0,-23) 1.0 Hinsdale (Central) (4.0,-6)
02 7. 1.0 Naperville (North) (4.0,-7) 0.0 Downers Grove (North) (3.0,-24)
02 8. 0.0 Wheaton (North) (3.0,-25) 1.0 Winnetka (New Trier) (3.0,-8)
02 9. 1.0 Lisle (Benet Academy) (3.0,-9) 0.0 Carol Stream (Glenbard N (2.0,-26)
02 10. 0.0 Glen Ellyn (Glenbard Wes (3.0,-27) 1.0 Lincolnshire (Stevenson) (4.0,-10)
02 11. 0.0 Skokie (Niles North) (3.0,-11) 1.0 Oak Lawn (Richards) (3.0,-28)
02 12. 0.0 Chicago (Lane) (3.0,-31) 1.0 Aurora (Waubonsie Valley (3.0,-12)
02 13. 0.0 Naperville (Neuqua Valle (3.0,-13) 1.0 Barrington (2.0,-47)
02 14. 0.0 Hoffman Estates (H.S.) (2.0,-62) 1.0 Orland Park (Sandburg) (3.0,-14)
02 15. 0.0 St. Charles (East) (3.0,-64) 1.0 Aurora (IL Math & Sci) (2.0,-16)
02 16. 1.0 Riverside (R.-Brookfield (3.0,-17) 0.0 Oak Lawn (Community) (2.0,-61)
With everyone in 17-24 at (-20), similarly for the others, these are the pairings generated:
Rd Bd Scr White Scr Black
02 1. xxx Chicago (Whitney Young) (1.0,-1) xxx Naperville (Central) (1.0,-20)
02 2. xxx Riverside (R.-Brookfield (1.0,-20) xxx Chicago (Northside) (1.0,-2)
02 3. xxx Wheaton (W.-Warrenville S (1.0,-3) xxx Palatine (Fremd) (1.0,-20)
02 4. xxx Glen Ellyn (Glenbard Sou (1.0,-20) xxx Urbana (University) (1.0,-4)
02 5. xxx Evanston (Twp.) (1.0,-5) xxx Downers Grove (North) (1.0,-20)
02 6. xxx Bloomington (H.S.) (1.0,-20) xxx Hinsdale (Central) (1.0,-6)
02 7. xxx Naperville (North) (1.0,-7) xxx Glenview (Glenbrook Sout (1.0,-20)
02 8. xxx Chicago (Lane) (1.0,-28) xxx Winnetka (New Trier) (1.0,-8)
02 9. xxx Lisle (Benet Academy) (1.0,-9) xxx Oak Lawn (Richards) (1.0,-28)
02 10. xxx Wheaton (North) (1.0,-28) xxx Lincolnshire (Stevenson) (1.0,-10)
02 11. xxx Skokie (Niles North) (1.0,-11) xxx Carol Stream (Glenbard N (1.0,-28)
02 12. xxx Glen Ellyn (Glenbard Wes (1.0,-28) xxx Aurora (Waubonsie Valley (1.0,-12)
02 13. xxx Naperville (Neuqua Valle (1.0,-13) xxx Barrington (1.0,-44)
02 14. xxx Hoffman Estates (H.S.) (1.0,-60) xxx Orland Park (Sandburg) (1.0,-14)
02 15. xxx St. Charles (East) (1.0,-60) xxx Aurora (IL Math & Sci) (1.0,-16)
02 16. xxx Mt. Prospect (Prospect) (1.0,-20) xxx Oak Lawn (Community) (1.0,-60)
All the -20’s are “identical” (other than due color and conference) for pairing purposes and end up (semi-)randomly assigned to slots where they would go if they were assigned specific seeds. The “semi-” is that if you erase the pairings and redo them, you’ll get exactly the same result.