The Hammer & The Anvil


I have added a new calendar feature to the website to provide information about upcoming event. Also, members can add chess events and are encouraged to do so.

I just added the Fountain Valley Open for July 2nd! In addition, you can find information about the recurring events on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Thanks to James Powers and LM Brian Wall who wrote this week’s Game Of The Week article about one of my losses. Read the newsletter to see me get pounded.

Peace be with you,

Paul Anderson

Read The Newsletter (click here): … -the-anvil

  1. This Week In Chess
  2. The Hammer & The Anvil
  3. Game Viewer: ( )

Upcoming Events (click here):

For additional events and chess news, see the following websites:

Denver Chess Club: DCC (
Colorado State Chess Association: CSCA (
Wyoming Chess Association: WCA (
Kansas Chess Association: KCA (
New Mexico Chess Organization: NMCO (
Wired Kings Chess Club: (
Yetman Brothers Chess: (
Tim Brennan’s Chess Blog: (