The Polish Benko strikes again!

  1. A N 2. A U

  1. N K 4. S- A 5. 3XX1 S- 6. W 8

It looked more interesting to try this instead of my traditional 6…3.

  1. 82K 3Z1 8. F 3X2 9. 8T2 8A2 10. 7XN 8Z2 11. W 7H

This is scary. It looks a little trappy for my 8.

  1. 3XX1 51

  1. 8T 3K 14. 3J 7I 15. 53 8C2

Now I at least have the advantage that he is cramped because he can’t move his 7.

  1. U- 4 17. 5H1? 7I

  1. J?? 84 19. 30

Bill Smythe

To think that folks complain about English Descriptive notation. I am aware that TUNAFISH and CHELPATZ exist, but I’m not going to play the Rosetta Stone game.

Here is my attempt at translation into English.

In your version white’s 13th hangs the U pawn. You have transpositions in moves 13, 14, and 15. After black’s 15th the two versions agree again.

How did this thread all of a sudden get 1206 views?? Homeland Security must have latched onto this as some sort of secret code, worth keeping an eye on.

Bill Smythe