The next time the electronic rulebook is updated, can it include a note that time odds games are not ratable? I know TD’s who don’t understand time odds games are not ratable and have submitted them for rating.
Have you played in any of those events? Do you have friends who have played in any of those events? If so, you (or your friend) should file a formal complaint with USCF. There are many incompetent TDs in the USCF. If we put everything in the rulebook no one would read it, and many of these TDs would ignore it anyway.
If you feel strongly about this, either become a delegate and file an ADM or speak persuasively enough at the annual membership meeting to get it on the agenda ahead of the new business.
This is not about becoming a delegate, filing an ADM, or putting everything in the rulebook Alex. It’s just adding one note to clarify that time odds games are not ratable. Also, the TD’s I know that have submitted time odds games for rating are generally competent TD’s so this isn’t coming from incompetent TD’s. And yes, I do have friends who have played some of the time odds games that were submitted for rating.
Personally, I wouldn’t mind if the rulebook had a clear statement the office could point to that says neither time odds nor piece odds games are USCF ratable.
In the 6th edition of the rulebook it says “16A Allowable Time Controls. The USCF office maintains a list, available upon request, directly from the USCF office or at, of the currently allowable time limits for different types of tournaments.”
Can someone point me to this list on I can’t find it.
However, I wonder why this is even necessary to have in the rulebook. Doesn’t 5C cover all the ratable time controls?
All I see in the update to the rulebook on this is rule 5C. If 16A was talking about 5C, what’s the point of having 16A in the rulebook or why not simply reference people to 5C instead of saying they are “available upon request, directly from the USCF office or at”?
Perhaps because the allowable time controls have changed frequently enough over the years that the rulebook is almost always going to be out of date, so it makes more sense to have the rulebook say ‘see the latest list’.
Also, as I recall the Blitz system (which resulted in multiple changes to the allowable time controls) was approved by the EB, not the Delegates, whereas rulebook changes are approved by the Delegates, not the EB.
At this point: Delegate Motion or a Motion from the Rules Committee is the way I can see for that to happen. IMHO, any rulebook changes at this point probably have to be floated by the Delegates first.
Yes but in 16A it would have been good to reference 5C and in 5C say ‘see the latest list’ online for any changes to time control rules.
Also, the list of currently available time limits that I was referring to that I couldn’t find was an updated version of this document “”. This is what I thought 16A was referring to.
The 6th edition of the rulebook doesn’t state time odds games aren’t ratable and states things like “Quick only: Total playing time for each player is more than 10 and less than 30 minutes (< 10 mm + ss < 30)”. Thus, if a game was played at a rate of G/15,d0 for one player and G/20,d0 for the other player, this would seem to fit the definition of being quick ratable as the total playing time for each player was more than 10 and less than 30 minutes.
Since it appears that time odds games are ratable from what I wrote above and nobody has objected to this, I think I will start running some time odds events.
Some posts are so obviously false, as well as repetitive, that refuting them seems pointless. What’s worse, doing so is often futile, since the poster will almost certainly make the same claim again some time.
Funny, my last tournament I had people throw darts. There was nothing in the rulebook that said you couldn’t throw darts. By the way, the rating system is a lousy predictor of results.
If you run a tournament with time odds and a player objects, via the complaint process, please do try and use the defense that no one on the USCF Forums objected to your plan. Or, that you could not find a list of things you can’t do for odds games in the 6th edition. IMHO, I predict that you might not like the results–but then that is just me. I could be wrong.