Today’s Chess Situation

One Chessworld Government is a Soviet plot. I am anxiously scanning the skies for FIDE’s Black Helicopters…

Seriously, I want to return to helping organize Chicago tournaments. As recently as a month ago, I was hoping to organize small events in early spring. Until most Americans are vaccinated, however, the risk is too great.

I am very optimistic about summer 2021.

The anti-vaccine crowd will make that more of a prolonged process than might otherwise be necessary. As a kid I recall the relief parents, mine and friend’s, expressed when the Salk polio vaccine became available. I can’t recall anyone in my school community refusing to be vaccinated. That will not be the situation now…

I received both the Salk and the Sabin polio vaccines (as my mother was a nurse). But the initial roll-out had meaningful problems:

“In April 1955, soon after mass polio vaccination began in the US, the Surgeon General began to receive reports of patients who contracted paralytic polio about a week after being vaccinated with Salk polio vaccine from Cutter pharmaceutical company, with the paralysis limited to the limb the vaccine was injected into. The Cutter vaccine had been used in vaccinating 200,000 children in the western and midwestern United States.[76] Later investigations showed that the Cutter vaccine had caused 40,000 cases of polio, killing 10.[76] In response the Surgeon General pulled all polio vaccine made by Cutter Laboratories from the market, but not before 250 cases of paralytic illness had occurred. Wyeth polio vaccine was also reported to have paralyzed and killed several children. It was soon discovered that some lots of Salk polio vaccine made by Cutter and Wyeth had not been properly inactivated, allowing live poliovirus into more than 100,000 doses of vaccine. In May 1955, the National Institutes of Health and Public Health Services established a Technical Committee on Poliomyelitis Vaccine to test and review all polio vaccine lots and advise the Public Health Service as to which lots should be released for public use. These incidents reduced public confidence in polio vaccine, leading to a drop in vaccination rates.[77]”

True and I recall that my parents knew of a child who had a limb paralysis reaction. We still had our vaccinations which were, as I recall, required in order to attend school. When the Sabin vaccine came out everyone was relieved that one dose did the job for multiple years.

How would FIDE intervene?[/quote

One of the most grossly incompetent, corrupt sporting organizations in the civilized world?
Better to shut the doors. Rather a fantastic idea now for a VERY long time now, has been to form an alliance with other Civilized nations
is to break away and form a far, far better world chess federation - and one that would honor the USA.


How would FIDE intervene?

One of the most grossly incompetent, corrupt sporting organizations in the civilized world?
Better to shut the doors. Rather a fantastic idea now for a VERY long time now, has been to form an alliance with other Civilized nations
is to break away and form a far, far better world chess federation - and one that would honor the USA.[/quote]

It’s just too fast for me. Game/15 or Game/20 might work for me, but no one wants to play that s-l-o-w.

I need the physical presence of an opponent, otherwise “on-line chess” is “disposable chess”.

YMMV, and probably does.


How would FIDE intervene?

One of the most grossly incompetent, corrupt sporting organizations in the civilized world?
Better to shut the doors. Rather a fantastic idea now for a VERY long time now, has been to form an alliance with other Civilized nations
is to break away and form a far, far better world chess federation - and one that would honor the USA.[/quote]
Well…Perhaps a deal with FIDE involving access to the Sputnik V Covid vaccine for members of US Chess? How could one resist!!!

maybe “they” can start running events for people that have already had covid? somewhat tongue-in-cheek. i still think sweden is doing this correctly.


Approved Tournament Wear for 2021 OTB Events … txwPUn4n9M

People have been screaming about right foreever. The right to smoke (and blow the smoke in others faces), the
right not to wear a mask in Covid19 (and catch and spread the virus to and from others), the right not to vaccinate
thus exposing not only yourself but others to the pandemic.

One’s rights truly should end when those rights put others in harms way.


Bill Smythe


“Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.” - Benjamin Franklin

According to, this saying only goes back to about the late 1800’s.; a little too late for Franklin.

Obey Your Masters.

I just finished my tournament year off by playing at the BC Chess Club in Indianapolis. The club is safe and has had no reported cases of anyone catching covid. Wondering if any other clubs in the center part of the country have opened up. In Columbus Ohio, we have nothing until the summertime for chess in the park. If anyone knows of any clubs closer than Indianapolis please let me know.

Taking the cheek away from the tongue for just a second, it is known that Covid can be reacquired in persons who have previously had it. ( … ction.html ) The article notes that reinfections are rare. Whether this would be an item of concern is up in the air, and I’m not saying that once the curves flatten that OTB shouldn’t happen as Mr. Bachler has ran them. Just that I wouldn’t take having had the disease as assurance that you are safe and no longer need to take precautions.

Looks like vaccines are working well. So we might be back to normal by 2022.

Looks like OTB is returning. I am very happy about this. I can’t wait for USATE 2022.