Topalov - Kramnik

I’m at work (shhh, don’t tell anyone i’m on the chess forum!), and just noticed this game. Apparently Topalov has just uncorked some kind of brilliancy on Kramnik. Game of the year so far, though I havent seen or done any analysis.

Hey, did those guys shake hands??? Hey, for those of you continually bashing the late great Fischer, to my knowledge, he never resorted to this baby stuff of not shaking hands! RIP Bobby, best ever!

I would never tell on you. Fischer, according to all good sources, always treated the game and his opponents with the highest degree of professional respect. He always shook hands with his Russian opponents. He sought the best conditions for quality play.

In many respects, Fischer’s attitude toward his game/sport were taken up by athletes in other sports during the 1970’s and beyond. They, too, sought conditions to popularise their sport as an art. Tennis and golf were affected by his professionalism, his love and devotion for his game, whether they want to give him credit or not. Nicklaus and Woods are lucky Fischer wasn’t handed a set of golf clubs! He might have presented the fuddy duddies at Augusta a real pickle. Just imagine a Brooklyn kid among the azaleas!

Excellent points. It seems like the 70’s was indeed a breakthrough in many sports, especially as far as money is concerned. Interesting theory you have that maybe Fischer’s approach to chess might have influenced this movement in sports. I don’t know how many agree, but it’s a point i never thought of.