In my potential capacity as a subject matter expert for the local military base, I plan on creating a basic reference guide for the recreation managers to use for the mandated activity of chess to help them in their efforts to provide more chess for the Marines.
I am trying to work out a content guide on what should be in there to guide my efforts. My basic question is how can I reference material in the USCF rulebook without overstepping any copyright boundaries. I intend to recommend the purchase of them so they can be referenced. But for club and informal tournaments, the USCF rulebook is too much for them to be wading through. So I am just needing a general reference to basic rules and situations that might apply as an introduction before these Marines eventually encounter USCF tournaments.
- Introduction to Marine Corps Chess
- Background about United States Chess
- Introduction to InterService Chess
- Introduction to Armed Forces Open
- Resources for chess
- Introduction to tournament play
- Basic setup for 4 person quad
Basic explanation of round robin - Basic explanation of swiss
- Intro to some basic USCF rules
- How to write notation
- Using the clock
- Special moves
- Three ways to draw
This is some of what I have worked out that needs to be included. Any suggestions of what else to provide for a non chess playing director to run small tournaments?
Thanks for taking a look and any positive comments, suggestions, and criticisms that will be made.
Best regards,
Sara Walsh