Unintentional drop-out of double round robin

Tournament is double round robin with 9 players, 0 point bye for each player, 9 rounds total. One player is from some distance away and asks to have his bye in the last round so he can leave earlier. He finishes both his round 8 games and leaves. His 8th round opponent sees him leave and and thinks this is the last round, and leaves with him. He’s not available for his 9th round.

The next day, I email him and propose that he and his 9th round opponent meet and play the two games and report the outcome to me. He appologizes, says his schedule is very difficult, and forfits both his games.

I’m thinking that I can only forfit one game, and as a forfitted game it will not effect either player ratings only the standing in the tournament.


And if so, how do i mark that in Swisssys?

I don’t understand why you can’t forfeit both games, or even why you would want to only forfeit one. If you pick the X for the winner of the forfeited games, it will give you an unrated two game forfeit like you’d expect, at least in the latest SwissSys.

Yes, the games would not be rated, it would only effect scores.

Alex Relyea

Thank you for your response.

I marked it as you suggested. When I go to create the USCF rating report, it tells me that “Open (the section) is in double blitz style. You must first convert it using “format as double swiss” utility”".

When I use that utility it errors becasue it will only convert 7 rounds (not 9).

When I tried to upload the report files, the server refused it, formated wrong.

So now i’m thinking I need to manualy enter the tournament. And if I do, will I be doing it as a double round robin or something else?

I’m not sure SwissSys can handle more than 14 rounds. I’m also not sure if “double RR” is an accepted data type. You can always list it as a “swiss” when you submit it.

Alex Relyea