US CHESS TD Credit Rules

I’d like to open a discussion regarding TD credits for online events. IF I read the rules correctly: 10 events or sections where you are chief TD w/ 50 or more players or Section TD in a section w/50 or more players. Of course, in 3 yr. period.

Does this apply for upgrade from club TD to Local TD? Does this qualify to take The
senior TD test ?

Since you asked about the Senior test the following rules are applicable. Category A, B, C, D and N events are all defined as over-the-board events. Four of the ten Senior TD tournament prerequisites allow substitutions and one or two of those four can use on-line events to substitute for them.

Jeff Wiewel
Current (2020-2021) TDCC Chair

The longer the pandemic continues, it is hoped at some point reason happens and the
rules are changed allowing how ever many onlline events as equal without exclusions.
Adaptation has very seldom been a US Chess virtue.

I think you have the right concept. The challenge is your word “equal.” Online events are essentially backroom TD experiences–manipulating data mostly. The floor jobs from OTB are done via a computer program, no claims necessary (in general). So how does the TDCC make OTB experience = to online experience? That is a tough question to answer. They are not the same animal.

yes, I agree. However, we do much work. We will be using pairing software; we will adjust pairings, and we will defend such. we work work in concert with senior and NTD’s.
we know the rules , and we know when to tailor them.

I believe we have entered a different world it may be time to adjust.

Hi Daniel,

At the moment an upper level TD is expected (by players, organizers and chief TDs) to have the experience to handle a decent sized OTB tournament and the issues involved with such tournaments, so such experience is a testing prerequisite requirement. That requirement should not be eliminated unless OTB tournaments are permanently eliminated. What is more worthy of consideration is whether or not to require some on-line experience to test for the higher levels. Using some on-line questions to replace some of the current test questions is also worth serious consideration.

Correct - not the same animal, at all. But a different one requiring a different skill set to organize and run.
But- THAT IS NOT THE KEY AND RELEVANT POINT - Growing US Chess IS. We are with online chess until at least
June 2021 as the primary chess mainstay for our federation. Lets adapt accordingly.

Perhaps there should be separate certifications for OTB and online. A TD could be certified OTB but not online, or vice versa. Or certified at different levels, for example ANTD for OTB but Local for online.

Bill Smythe

That is similar to ideas in the past for different certification levels for Open and Scholastic TDs and different back room certification levels for TDs using WinTD, SwissSys or other methods. I’d rather avoid fracturing certification levels. When on-line tournaments started they were difficult to pull off be cause the platform providers often were not adept to understanding the US Chess tournament needs, so higher certification levels were needed. In a couple of months we might again review the player limits on TDs running on-line events.

Absolutely !!! Perhaps there is light at the tunnel, and it is not a train!!