experience submitting rating reports online

Can someone point me to the rule that shows how many tournaments I need to submit online?This is for renewal of my Senior TD certification.
I have searched the rulebook and the forms with no success.

None. You need to direct one per year for the length of the certification, so five in the five years of your term, but the only time you’re required to submit online is to test initially.

Alex Relyea

The requirements for taking the SrTD test include (among other things) having submitted at least three tournaments on line at some point in your career. The requirements for renewing SrTD certification is having been chief or chief assistant of five tournaments (or at least one section of five different tournaments) during the five year certification period (you might have two if your stint as a pairing TD were section chief assistant stings) and your current certification period doesn’t expire until 11/30/2021. Note that on-line chief/chief assistant counts towards those activity requirements and they do not need to be large tournaments (an RR or quad would suffice as a tournament counting towards the activity requirement).

Current TDCC chair (as of this post) and will be trading places with the vice chair as of the new term starting at the end of the US Open.

PS it is certification rule 33

“stings?” Was that supposed to be “sections?” :smiley:

I think I have THREE pairing TD section chief assistant credits. The 11-16-2016 tournament was in this certification period, I think. My cert period was supposed to end in 2020, but it was extended like others that expired during Covidtime.

I am running a small tournament tomorrow night and will be Chief and only TD. Plans for other events are progressing. I should be able to get all the credits I need by the deadline. We finally have an active chess club out here in the chess-deprived wilds of west Texas.

Thanks for the reply.

That was supposed to be stints (stint definition = a person’s fixed or allotted period of work). Since the TD/A site listed tournament assistant, not chief assistant, please have the chief TD provide something saying section chief assistant.

Ah…”stints”! A good word.
The Chief TDs already sent in the corrections. Someone (Boyd Reed?) told me that info was noted on my record (somewhere) but didn’t show up on MSA. I will send copies of all that correspondence when I am ready to renew.