US Open State Invitationals Numbers

The office has updated the totals for the State Invitationals at the US Open. Please go to to see the names or if your state has nominated anyone. If ‘Blank’ or ‘N’, please have your state officials get in contact with people to get confirmed or nomiinated.

        Blank	N	C	Total

Irwin 17 12 24 53
Denker 5 16 32 53
Haring 11 5 37 53
Barber 5 17 31 53
Rockefeller 6 8 39 53
Total 44 58 163 265
17% 22% 62%

‘Blank’ = US Chess doesn’t have a nominee yet.
‘N’ = State has nominated a player but the individual has not confirmed their participation yet.
‘C’ = State has nominated a player and the individual has confirmed their participation.

Excuse me if this is something everyone else already knows, but why 53? My guess would be that northern and southern California are counted separately, and that the other two “extras” might be DC and Puerto Rico. Is that correct? Or am I missing something else?

C-A North and South, DC, and an alternate from the host stayed in case there are odd numbers.

That’s right. We don’t want a player to travel across the country and be faced with a bye. So we came up with the idea of the home state alternate playing in event of an otherwise odd number of players playing in a round. Remember that these are all State Champions!

Is there a deadline for the nominated player to confirm her/his participation?

ASAP. It isn’t fair to the alternate if the primary delays their decision and then decides to not come. We understand it takes time to settle travel and lodging requirements but the nominee shouldn’t wait until the last week.

The rules state that the committee can start making calls and e-mails after June 20. Our goal is to have every state represented in each event. This thread is part of that outreach.

Updated numbers:

6/28/2022 Blank N C Total
Irwin 13 11 29 53
Denker 5 15 33 53
Haring 10 5 38 53
Barber 5 13 35 53
Rockefeller 6 6 41 53
Total 39 50 176 265
15% 19% 66%

Here are the latest numbers for the invitationals. If your state has either a blank or a 'N’ominated (and not yet confirmed), please get with your state to either submit a name or get the nominated players to confirm with the office. Check out the link to the names on the URL provided above.

7/11/2022 Blank N C Total
Irwin 10 7 36 53
Denker 2 8 43 53
Haring 6 4 43 53
Barber 4 7 42 53
Rockefeller 2 2 49 53
Total 24 28 213 265
9% 11% 80%

7/11/2022 Blank
Irwin AK, DE, KY, ME, MS, NE, OH, RI, VT, WY
Denker AK, DE
Haring AK, DE, KY, RI, SD, VT
Barber AK, DC, DE, SD
Rockefeller AK, SD

7/11/2022 Nominated
Irwin DC, FL, IA, LA, MA, TN, UT
Denker MS, NE, NH, OR, RI, TN, VT, WV
Haring AZ, LA, ME, WV
Barber GA, MO, MS, NM, NY, OK, SC
Rockefeller OH, TN

Irwin Utah rep and Tennessee Rockefeller rep have confirmed participation. That makes the Rockefeller at 50!

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