USCF versus FIDE rules

I have deleted the original post, and would request this thread be deleted.

Thank you,

Ben Finegold


For the USCF rule check out 14E (pg. 46): “Insufficient material to win on time.” You will find 14E2 of special interest (“…king and knight.”).



Spent the money, buy the rulebook.

BTW, as a certified Senior TD, shouldn’t you be expected to have a copy of the current rulebook?

14E. Insufficient material to win on time. The game is drawn even when a player exceeds the time limit if one of the following conditions exists (See also 15H, Reporting of results):
TD TIP: Remember a 14E draw claim is first a draw offer (Rule 14, The Drawn Game).
14E1. Lone king. Opponent has only a lone king.
14E2. King and bishop or king and knight. Opponent has only king and bishop or king and knight, and does not have a forced win.
14E3. King and two knights. Opponent has only king and two knights, the player has no pawns, and opponent does not have a forced win.

Here is the FIDE version: