Ok, I am going to go out and get a new laptop. That means Vista. It also makes me wonder if anyone has had any challanges with WinTD-SyssSys running on Vista. How about the USCF supplements?
As a matter of interest do most of the standard chess programs run on Vista? (ChessBase, Fritz, Chess Assistant, Chess Master, Shredder, …).
I know that the latest ChessBase and Fritz run on Vista, but I don’t know about WinTD. The other possible problem is getting a printer that runs on Vista. New printers are fine, but getting drivers for pre-Vista printers isn’t always available.
These are questions that should probably be directed to the authors of the pairing programs. WinTD and SwisSys both have websites and I think both have ‘support’ e-mail addresses, too.
I have SwissSys 7 loaded on my computer running Vista Home Premium. I haven’t had any problems when testing the software and I feel comfortable enough to run a small tournament on it this weekend. I was surprised that it only too two minutes to update the database with the Jan-Jun rating supplement.
Dr. Jim Aman who pairs most of the scholastic events in Central Ohio uses WinTD on a Linux system. I have never heard him state that there were any compatibility issues.
I’ve run one event on the new Mac using Swiss Sys on Parallels as a virtual PC. My biggest problem was with printing. It seemed like every time I printed team standings the program would crash. Every time it crashed I had to go back in and reset my fonts, and team settings.
My husband added some USB drivers after the tournament which made the problems worse. It stopped printing all together. I think I may have to uninstall my printer drivers, and then reinstall them.
I don’t think I’m letting a cat out of the bag here - but Tom mentioned that he has set August aside to to WinTD updates. If you find any Vista issues, you might want to pass them along asap.
While I don’t have a printer yet, I went out and got that Vista (Dell) laptop. WinTD looks to run perfect. I will need to upgrade my older SwissSys unless I want to live with some rare and silly quirks. Both authors were very responsive to my questions. Both programs had a problem with their help files. The solution was a download from Microsoft. It was a snap when I simply followed the link provided in the vista error message.
Somehow it doesn’t surprise me that professional software producer Microsoft has more bugs in its software than our very own homebrew vendors, Thad Suits and Tom Doan, working in their garages.
Alright, I realize that I’m going to sound rather ignorant here, but my first serious issue is arising when I attempt to upload the USCF reports to the TD/A area, and being unable to access the files generated in both SwissSys & WinTD. My new computer runs Vista, and when I search for the files, I find them, but only if I click a “Combatibility Files” icon. Unfortunately, when I “Browse” to upload the files, that icon does not exist, so I can reach the superfolder, but not the required files within. Any Ideas?
One option might be to simply type the file names in (including drive and directory). I usually browse for only the first file and save/copy that name for the second and third file (with the single letter spelling change needed).
I just tried to upload files from both WinTD and SwissSys. I found if you double click on the name of the folder (left pane) the .dbf files appear on a list in the right hand pane.