There were 9 participants of which 6 were unrated or below 1000.
Player 1 finished with 5 pts and 1st prize - 75.00
Player 2 finished with 3.5 pts and 2nd prize - 37.50 I believe both of these players were rated players. These two prizes are clear cut and thus undisputed.
The others are unclear, at least in my mind and could possibly be disputed. I am not going to provide which prizes were given for the remaining players and hope that someone can clear this up for me.
Players 3, 4, and 5 finished with 3 pts. Two of the three players are unrated and I believe player 3 is rated 1000+.
Players 6, 7 and 8 finished with 2 pts. Player 6 is rated not sure if in the 1500 or 1400 range and 7 and 8 are unrated.
Player 9 finished with one pt. and is unrated although has played in two previous tournaments (rating pending).
If I am reading this correctly, there were two place prizes, two U1400 prizes, three U1200, and three U1000/unrated. (If what you meant was that there were four place prizes, the results would be quite different.)
Unrateds are not “under,” so they are eligible only for their own class prize or for the overall place prizes. So, 4 and 5 (unrated with 3) split 1st & 2nd U1000/unrated ($37.50+$25 / 2 = $26.25 each). If #3 is, as you indicate, rated between 1000 and 1200, he gets the 1st U1200 prize ($37.50). Unrateds 7 and 8 split the remaining U1000/unrated prize ($12.50/2 = $6.25 each). If #6 is rated over 1400 he gets nothing. If he is rated under 1400, he getst the 1st U1400 prize ($25). Player 9 gets nothing (all the U1400/unrated prizes have been used up). The 2nd U1400 and 2nd-3rd U1200 are not awarded because no one qualifies for them.
This looks a little strange, and will probably not be popular with the players, but it is essentially the same situation as if no one had shown up for a class. The real problem is that the prize structure did not bear a realistic relationship to the number of players expected.
You haven’t given a very clear description of either the prizes to be awarded or the players and their scores.
How can you have a ‘3rd and 4th’ in the under 1400 group if there
isn’t a 1st and 2nd there?
Can I suggest you list all 9 players in final standing order with their ratings?
The player rated 1400 or 1500 gets nothing, as there are no under prizes he’s eligible for and the place prizes are all awarded.
The one rated over 1000 is eligible for the best of the ‘under’ prizes he’s eligible for, which is the $37.50 one. There doesn’t appear to be anyone else eligible for the remaining under prizes except the under 1000/unrated ones, so they don’t have to be awarded.
It appears you have two unrated players who will split 1st and 2nd in the under 1000/unrated group and two who will split 3rd place in that group.
OK, I’ll take a crack at interpreting your question and explaining my solution.
The Under 1400 line above 3rd and 4th prizes confused me for a second, but I read the flyer and found that the entire reserve section including 1st and 2nd were Under 1400. I’m going to assume that Player 6 is under 1400 like everybody else in the section.
Player 3 gets 1st Under 1200 or $37.50.
Players 4 and 5 split 1st Under 1000/Unrated and 3rd overall: $37.50 + $25.00 = $62.50 getting $31.25 each (not $26.25 as in John’s post ).
Player 6, gets 4th overall or $12.50.
Players 7 and 8 split 2nd and 3rd Under 1000/Unrated: $25.00 + $12.50 = $37.50 getting $18.75 each.
Player 9 gets nothing. The tournament organizer will pocket the second and third prizes of Under 1200 or $37.50.
I must have seen your post when it was fresh and unedited. The link to the flyer seems to have disappeared. An accurate answer to your question depends on clearly stating the facts about prizes and participants.
If it is actually four place prizes, I agree, always assuming player 3 is under 1200. (It was only stated that he was over 1000.) If he’s over 1200, he gets 4th ($12.50), 6 gets nothing, 7 and 8 split 2nd/3rd U1000/unr., and 9 still gets nothing.
it occurs to me that the problem may be whether or not the unrateds are eligible for the “place” prizes (which, if this is a Booster section, are really jumped-up class prizes). The answer depends on how the tournament was advertised. (I normally include a line “Unrateds may win only Unrated prizes,” but if you don’t they are probably entitled to the top prizes in the section.) In any case, both possible prize distributions have already been given in earlier posts.