I’ve been to several clubs over the last couple of years, and I was interested to see that clubs have many different formats in determining their champion. How does your club determine its champion?
Here are the formats that I’ve seen.
Swiss System: This is the most common one I’ve seen, either a four or five round swiss played on club nights.
Pros: Anyone and everyone can play, short time commitment for tournament (four or five weeks), easily scheduled.
Cons: Short time commitment also means one outstanding player could play just the club championship, then not play the rest of the year, also usual drawbacks for a swiss system (some players schedules are easier, ties in large fields are probable) -
Round Robin: This is the format that my old club had in CO. Nine months out of the year we had a sort of grand prix of all the rated events that we did, and the eight players who scored highest qualified for the eight-player round robin club championship.
Pros: Relative equality of schedule, games can be played in any order, gives players a chance to play in a RR.
Cons: Long time commitment (player who starts halfway through the year would probably have to wait til the following year). -
Knockout: Players are ranked by rating and then play two-game matches a la March Madness (With sixteen players, #1 plays #16, the winner of which then plays the winner of #8 and #9). If tied, then the match goes to tie-break games (blitz).
Pros: Everyone can play. If a number is not a power of 2, then the top few players get byes in the first round. (With 23 players, seeds 1-9 get byes in the round of 32 while seeds 10-23 play). The knock-out format is exciting as the short matches and blitz playoffs can lead to upsets.
Cons: Some gross mismatches in the first round or two (1800 vs 1000). Players can be eliminated after playing only two games. -
Challenger vs Champion: To be the champ, you gotta beat the champ. This format is similar to how the World Championships used to be conducted. The reigning champion received a bye to the final, and there were qualifying tournament(s) to determine a challenger. The champion and challenger would then play a match (four games in the club I saw, although I think six would be better).
Pros: The longer the match, the more likely the better player is to win. With a four or six game match, losing one game doesn’t sink your chances as much as a swiss or knockout.
Cons: Match can be dull if one player is head and shoulders above the other. Club needs an activity for other players while the championship match is going on.
My personal favorite is the round robin that we had. Most players don’t have the chance to play RRs, (except quads), and it was fun playing and preparing for one. The Grand Prix system worked a nice medium, a player had to stay fairly active in order to be in the top 8, but it wasn’t necessary to play every single week and event to make it.
Which format does your club use? Does anybody use a different one other than those I mentioned? Which format do you prefer? How big (# of active players) is your club, and do you think that would change your answer?