What's the weirdest game you ever played

I mean chess-wise, what happened in the actual game. I played a five minute game on ICC, where my opponent had 2 queens against my none, and i won! I’ll show the game if anyone’s interested (not home right now, dont have it). At the end, of course both sides had very little time, i let the guy march his pawn down, already having a queen, while i had 2 rooks and a bishop. It was a pure gamble on my part, had nothing else to park my hopes on. It was like betting on rolling a twelve, i thought i saw a mating net, and it was indeed there. of course with best play, i think my opponent had a draw, but heck, what a weird game. it’s the only 5-minute game i ever saved in my database.

Second weirdest game ever, and i mentioned this in previous post, i actually resigned a drawn game. Thought my opponent had mate, all he had was a perpetual. And that game i am NOT showing to anyone!

I had a correspondence game once where my h-pawn migrated all the way over to the c-file to queen. Unfortunately that was two computers ago and I don’t think I ever printed out the game or saved the file.

I assume that game was against ‘George’. How much of that pawn migration happened while he was up in the tree?