When Black is late, is White now required to move?


For many years, I recall that White, if Black was late to the board when the tournament director announced the start of the round, did NOT have to make his first move on the board. He was allowed to simply start Black’s clock.

Has that rule been changed? Is White now required to make his first move on the board?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, the rule has changed, and White is now required to make his first move on the board.

In fact, the rule changed more than seven years ago. The change occurred when the fifth edition of the USCF Official Rules of Chess took effect January 1, 2005.

Furthermore, White is required to start his own clock, then make his move, then press the clock to start Black’s clock. This step is essential when using a digital clock with a clock press counter, as was dramatically demonstrated at the 2011 World Amateur Team.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Prior to that change you would sometimes have a situation where White started black’s clock and then walked around the room looking at games. Black would arrive while White was gone, hit the clock to start White’s time, and then roam the hall looking at games. White would return, notice that his clock was (apparently erroneously) running while Black still seemed to be a no-show, and would correct the clock and walk away. This dance sometimes went for multiple iterations. Having White make a move eliminates the dance.