I am a board member of the Missouri Chess Association, the USCF State Affiliate.
Some BOD members have proposed a new amendment that says ONLY USCF members can vote in the Missouri Chess Association election even though they are members of the MCA in good standing.
We feel that this violates the USCF By-Laws. Article VIII Section 2
"Each State shall guide the chess activity within the state in a manner that provides representation to all groups of chessplayers within its state."
I own The Chess Club powerpawn.net with 35 members and around 100 casual players and chess parents. We feel that our MIssouri Chess Association members who are NOT USCF members are being discriminated against. The Missouri Chess Association is NOT providing “representation to all groups of chessplayers.”
According to the U.S. Census Bureau daily feature for February 10, ‘Some 7 million people in the U.S. enjoy playing chess at least once a year without the aid of a computer or playing against one. More than 900,000 play at least twice a week.’ • There are currently about 300 million Americans.
We are using the USCF by-laws we found on the web which are below.
Many of our members would like to vote because our chess club is being attacked. We have a club in a shopping mall with over a $1,000 a month in rent and bills. So this is a serious matter. We run hundreds of USCF tournaments per year. Please check are stats on ucchess.org. A6017882
Thanks for your time,
Ken Fee Owner of The Chess Club A6017882 powerpawn.net Missouri Chess Association BOD member
Article VIII: Organizational Units.
Section 1. State Chapters. Every state (the District of Columbia being treated as a state for all Federation purposes and Northern and Southern California being treated as separate states for all Federation purposes) shall be entitled to have an affiliate designated as the State Chapter, provided that any state having more than 5000 members may have two state chapters divided along geographical lines. Credentials of affiliates applying for designation as State Chapters submitted before June 1 shall be presented by the Executive Board to the Board of Delegates with recommendations, if any, one month before the next Annual Meeting. Credentials submitted after June 1 shall be presented by the Executive Board to the Board of Delegates one month before the Annual Meeting of the following year.
Section 2. Functions. Each State shall guide the chess activity within the state in a manner that provides representation to all groups of chessplayers within its state. Each State Chapter shall nominate Delegates and Alternate Delegates as provided in Article V Section 4 of these Bylaws. Each State Chapter shall fulfill other responsibilities as the Board of Delegates may from time to time designate.
Section 3. Affiliates. Any organization of chessplayers may affiliate with the Federation upon payment of the fee of $40 per year. Any organization of chessplayers who are exclusively scholastic players may affiliate with the Federation as a Scholastic Affiliate upon payment of the fee of $40 per year. Any organization of chessplayers who are incarcerated in a penal institution may affiliate with the Federation as a Prison Affiliate upon the payment of the fee of $15 per year. Affiliation does not constitute the affiliate as an agent of the USCF for any purpose.
Section 4. Rights and privileges. Each affiliate shall:
(a) Receive a subscription to Chess Life.
(b) be entitled to conduct USCF-rated tournaments in accordance with USCF tournament rules
Ken Fee 816-835-7529