10th North American FIDE Invitational

The 10th North American FIDE Invitational will begin at 10:30am Chicago time on Saturday April 19, 2008.

The games will once again be held at the Touch Move Chess Center on the northside of Chicago, IL.

The tournament participants include:

IM Mesgen Amanov (TKM)
IM Angelo Young (PHI)
IM Arjun Vishnuvardhan (IND)
FM Mehmed Pasalic (GER)
FM Gauri Shankar (IND)
FM Dennis Monokroussos (USA)
FM Aleksander Stamnov (MKD)
FM Albert Chow (USA)
WFM Alisa Melekhina (USA)
WFM Yuanling Yuan (CAN)

IM norm requirement - 6.5/9
WGM norm requirement - 6/9
WIM norm requirement - 4/9

G/90 + 30/sec increments is the time control

All games will be broadcast live on the MonRoi World Databank of Chess.

So far WFM Alisa Melekhina has scored a WIM and a WGM norm. Tonight she’s going for her IM norm (only needs to draw).

FM Mehmed Pasalic needs to score a full point tonight (with the white pieces against FM Gauri Shankar) in order to gain his third and final IM norm.

All games are LIVE on the MonRoi World Databank of Chess at monroi.com/wdc

WFM Alisa Melekhina has scored her first IM norm tonight. With a final round draw against FM Albert Chow she secured her norm.

Congrats to Alisa!